Updates From Us

Keep up to date with what is happening, not just in the Milparinka community but with information that we think, or people tell us about, that might be important for us all to be aware of.

tem 1: A Podcast about Getting a Life.

Image of Frank talking about Getting a LifeA Podcast about Getting a Life. Our CEO talks to Roland and Evie from Disability Services Consulting.

Click on the link below to Listen


Item 2: Title : Our Siblings Grant Gave Something to 31 Brothers and Sisters

In 2020 when everyone was isolated because of COVID19 we initiated a Grant Round that was aimed at providing something for school age brothers and sisters of people in the Milparinka community who have a disability. As we didn’t have enough people from our Milparinka community apply to use all of the allocated funds, we reached out to one of our long terms mums who works in another agency who we have high regard for, Extended Families Australia, and asked her to tell us about some kids who could do with a bit of a lift. We thought we had an idea that many of these brothers and sisters would possibly be missing out at present because of family’s needs to respond to their children with a disability more consistently. In reality we knew bugger all about what their lives would be like, but did know it would be a good idea to put a little bit of joy into some kids lives, because putting everything else aside, that was just a good idea at a time like this.

BUT WE KNOW A LOT MORE NOW! We know about young brothers and sisters who phoned us up to thank us for making the offer but who wanted to tell me they didn’t need anything and that they had the best brother or sister ever. We learnt about kids whose families loved them but couldn’t give them some of the things they wanted to because of having to leave work to take up caring roles. We learnt that a lot of kids were isolated and lonely not because they had a disabled sibling, but because family finances meant they didn’t have the things lot of other kids have to stay in contact or do home schooling over the internet. We heard about kids who have shown some terrific talents in areas such as music and art but how family finances had stopped them from being able to even start to go further with these. This meant for some of the kids that they didn’t have an outlet they could absorb themselves in. Most of all we heard about young kids, some younger and some older than their disabled sibling who have had to grow up to fast, and who, without a being asked had taken on carer roles for their brothers and sisters, to help out their families. That’s what being in love with your family will do.

I am not telling you these things so that you feel sorry for people. I tell you because it reminds us that there are so many different stories in our community, some are great, most are hopefully ordinary and some are tough and when we are in a position to do something, even small to make these stories just a little bit better then we should. We are not dumb enough to think that our small contribution will change people’s lives, but if it gives some kids some extra joy at a time like this then all of us from the Milparinka community, who we do this on behalf of, should be a little bit happier.

What did the kids ask for and get.

iPads, laptop and desktop computers, dollhouses, digital pianos, bikes, music lessons, Fitbits, electronics painting gear, scooters, art lessons, Nintendo, Air pods and apple watches, collections of toys and clothes.

Item 3: Title: Do you want to see something really beautiful. The have a look at this!

Jo and some friends from the Seeds Communal garden at Milparinka kept being creative during COVID 19 restrictions by weaving  their experiences.  Their weaving with natural materials  represents the interwoven stories that  make up the community and the garden in which they  meet.

Click on the link below to see this amazing and beautiful 4 minutes.

The  music you will hear in the background is being played by Kat Stevens, who works here.