Direct Funding

  • Your funds from DHHS go directly into a bank account that you manage
  • You decide what to do with the funds
  • You can purchase support staff, planning support and other services from Milparinka, or anyone else, at a cost
  • If you purchase our staff we will send the bills to you each month
  • You do all of the paper work and reporting to DHHS
  • This model has the maximum level of choice and control and is tailor made for each family and individual.


Darcy originally commenced in the groups at Milparinka and over the years, she, her family and Milparinka worked together towards better opportunities. As Darcy’s family’s expectations for a good life changed and developed Darcy moved from Group Supports, to Combined Groups and Individual Supports, to Shared Management and finally to Direct Funding.

Darcy’s family is now directly funded by DHHS and the money is deposited in a bank account, which they manage. Darcy’s family uses the money to purchase staff and opportunities from a number of places. This includes employing their own staff and for more specialised support they purchase some staff hours from Milparinka. These hours are to assist Darcy in a work role. Milparinka staff are directed by the family in regards to their time with Darcy.

Darcy, who has significant intellectual disabilities and health issues, has a rich and connected life in her community. Including sharing a home with non disabled peers.

Milparinka forwards an account at the end of each month to Darcy’s family for the hours that our staff worked. Darcy’s family report annually to DHHS on how their funds have been used.